
Super Bubbles

By Kelly Rostorfer, Macaroni KID May 11, 2023

Calling all bubble enthusiasts! Are you ready for some serious, long-lasting, bubbles-tastic fun this summer? Look no further than SUPER bubbles! 

We all know the feeling of blowing bubbles only for them to pop almost immediately. It's like a cruel joke played on us by the universe. But fear not, SUPER bubbles are here to save the day!

Not only will these bubbles last longer, but they have some serious staying power. You'll be able to toss them around, watch them dance in the air, and even catch them in your hands! 

These bubbles bring pure joy and excitement to any summer day. They truly have SUPERPOWERS and make us feel like carefree kids again, laughing and dancing as these little balls of soap and water float all around us. 


  • 1 cup dawn dish soap
  • 1 cup corn syrup
  • 1/4 of your favorite bubble solution


  • Mix the all the ingridents together in a bowl or large container with a spoon!
  • Grab a bubble wand and enjoy!
  • Try not to get too attached...these bubbles might just last forever!